My Trivia Live Hints:
- Listen, Listen, Listen!
- Manage your point values based on the level of confidence of your answer. For example:
- You’re sure: 1 point
- You’re pretty sure: 3 points
- You’re absolutely %@#*&! sure: 5 points
- Keep in mind the scores of the other teams when deciding what to wager on the final question.
- Don’t over think the answers! Trust us – it will come back to haunt you!
My Trivia Live Answer Acceptability Guide:
- Unless more information is requested in the question, when an answer requires a person’s name, a last name is acceptable for a correct answer (e.g. “Dickens” is acceptable for “Charles Dickens”).
- Providing an incorrect first name with the correct last name is unacceptable for a correct answer (e.g. “Don Johnson” is unacceptable for “Dwayne Johnson”, “Bill Washington” is unacceptable for “George Washington”)
- Spelling does not count for a correct answer, unless the question asks for a correct or specific spelling. If a misspelling changes the spelling of a
word to remove syllables, add syllables, or become another word and alter the meaning of the response, it may be ruled incorrect (e.g. writing “Linkin” for “Lincoln” still provides the same pronunciation, but writing “Alex in Wonderland” gives a different meaning than “Alice in Wonderland”). - If a response is not complete or precise enough to make the answer completely correct, it may be ruled incorrect (e.g. “Coke” for “Diet Coke”, or “Die Hard” for “Die Hard 2”). Adding additional information that alters the accuracy of the answer may also be ruled incorrect. (e.g. “Northern Ireland” for “Ireland”, “Star Trek: The Next Generation” for “Star Trek”) When in doubt, ask your TJ for clarification!
- Barring smaller words like “A” and “The,” titles of works need to be precise for credit. While The Picture of Dorian Gray is similar to The Portrait of Dorian Gray, the first is the title of the novel. Family Man is similar to Family Guy, but no one would expect the first to be acceptable when asking about a TV series.
- Players should avoid using abbreviations when a full word provides more clarity and alleviates any confusion. (e.g. do not write “He” for “Helium,” do not write “AK” for “Alaska.”)
My Trivia Rules:
- Have Fun!
- Please, only one team per table and one answer per team.
- Point values can only be used ONCE per round.
- For the 1st round, they are 1, 3, OR 5. Remember, they SWITCH for the 2nd round to 2, 4,or 6!
- NO Cheating. This INCLUDES: Cell phones, laptops, P.D.A.s, consulting with non-team members, reference materials, crystal balls or ouija boards!
- All answers that are turned in are FINAL and don’t ask us if you got it right. Trust us – we will lie to you.
- All decisions of your M.T.L. T.J. are FINAL.
- Finally – Refer to Rule #1!
My Trivia Live League Rules
- For league play dates, see the web site.
- You can sign up at any time. You will be given a league card to retain for your records. You will also fill out a League Team Sign up Sheet and return it to the TJ.
- It’s always free to play.
- As those of you who have been with us from the start realize, MTL is growing by leaps and bounds. Therefore it will be necessary for us to have a semi-final as there are no venues that would be large enough to house single tournament.
- You must sign up and select a home bar. This is the bar you will represent if your team makes it to any of the finals.
- NO CHEATING! Don’t even bother bringing your phones, P.D.A.’s etc. into the bar. There will be plenty of people watching and anyone suspected of cheating is automatically disqualified.
- Have fun! This rule is mandatory.
- DUE TO THE LAWS ACCORDING TO THE STATE OF MICHIGAN…players must be 21 to participate in the semi-finals and finals. Any one 18 or older can participate in league play throughout the season in accordance with each venue’s policies and procedures. However, anyone under 21 will NOT be eligible to win Miller prizes, but are eligible for gift certificates, as they are only good for food and not alcohol.
- Make sure you submit your league number to the T.J.’s when you sign up to play. NOTE: IMPORTANT! YOU are required to verify and sign off on your score at the end of each show! If you have to leave before the last question, sign off on the points you have at that point with the T.J.. We have implemented eliminate discrepancies! Your points will be recorded BEFORE the final question is asked. If you don’t verify your points, you may not get credit for them.
- Check your scores weekly!!! If discrepancies aren’t called to our attention within 1 week from the time they are posted, then your score may remain the same if we can’t validate it.
- Traveling teams are allowed to split up at different locations to garner more points, HOWEVER, you can only garner points for two different locations! You may not split your team at the same location.
- You may travel to other bars but the points you garner away from your home bar will count as travel points.
- There are essentially 2 leagues within MTL. A home league (competing against teams within your home bar) and a travel league where you compete with all travel teams. Points scored in your home bar will now also count towards your travel points. Being on both leagues will increases your chances of getting to the big show down.
- We will FIRST take the top 10 traveling teams OVERALL! They are automatically guaranteed to go to the finals. (Another advantage of travel).
- Then, we will take the top teams from each bar based on the points they garner within their home bar. We’ve done this to make it fair for the teams that can’t travel and for those who do.
- We will then select the team with the most points from each home bar to go to the semi-finals.
- We will pick a number of locations to hold the semi-finals. The number of locations will depend on the number of venues we have by the end of league play. We will then randomly draw from all the home bar winners and assign a venue for semi-finals.
- Dates and times for the semi finals can be found on the web site. We recommend checking the league page often.